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How does ICAI check the answer sheets of CA students?

The ICAI follows these steps in evaluation: They provide an answer key to all examiners. It contains all answers, even alternate ones. The answers are written in step-wise format (its a good idea for you to follow that!). And marks that need to be allotted for each step is outlined. Also, the key contains guidelines for the examiners for variation in answers If, after the exam is conducted, there are some issues with some of the questions, ICAI gives out additional information to the examiners. Things like allotting grace marks, etc. If its too late to give this information to the examiners, its passed on to the moderators. Then, when the moderators get the papers, theyll rectify the marks Examiners are not supposed to tally the marks. Thats done by another person. The only role of the examiner is to allot marks to each question according to the guidelines set. This way, examiners are not tempted to give grace marks if the score is 39 or something After the totalling and evaluation is done, moderators receive your paper. Theyll review the paper and assessment for any obvious mistakes. In the course of this, they may raise a complaint if they notice that an examiner is negligent in his/her duty Finally, after all this, results are announced and those students whove made it pass that level. Thank You, PLEASE UPVOTE AND COMMENT FOR ANY QUERY

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