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Can we use pencils in our CA IPCC inter answer sheet to underline the?

As per my knowledge you can use only pencils to underline the important points but you should focus on such things after completion of your whole paper. Because as per my opinion keep the checking problems aside , examiner used to read whole paper of the candidate. It doesn't matter if you have highlighted or not. That's why if you want to highlight something focus on highlight the heading and not the important points. Especially in SM and EIS, because in EIS once your headings are correct they'll not check the answer strictly with your language of answer. Also try to highlight the things which are very important because a whole line or a whole para highlighted with pencil written with black pen doesn't look like highlighted one rather it really looks dirty.(Because of black pen & black pencil) Conclusion Use pencil if you want to highlight but it should be as per need of the answer and not much

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